Katie Duke was born and raised in St. Louis, MO, and lives and works in NYC. Katie Duke has the guts and bravura to make her opinions known, and is launching those opinions as the backbone of her mission to be THE public figure for nursing. Nurses have long been portrayed in the media and on television as docile, unintelligent, unprofessional, sexual objects often trailing behind physicians. Katie Duke has set out to change this perspective.
Featured on NY MED on ABC, and NY ER on the Oprah Winfrey Network and Discovery Health Channels, Duke is able to reach millions every week with her powerful and knowledgeable skill and work ethic. With Season 2 of NY Med airing on ABC this summer 2014, Katie Duke will deliver her message with even more dedication and drive. The Duke serves as a public speaker and brand spokesperson, resource, and role model for not only the nursing profession, but also for healthcare and lifestyle enthusiasts throughout the nation.