by numarketing | Apr 1, 2020 | News
The markets are down; reports of quarantines litter the news; grocery shelves are empty; nervous energy buzzes in the air. With the collective worry in the United States swelling as case after case of coronavirus is reported, business owners can’t help but wonder how...
by numarketing | Jan 10, 2020 | News
And just like that, with a blink of an eye, the year is now coming to an end. But before we look toward the future and everything it holds, we want to take a moment and reflect on all the accomplishments our clients were able to achieve in just a short span of a year....
by numarketing | Dec 4, 2019 | News
As you may have heard, Instagram is rolling out a new trial update to its popular photo-sharing app, hiding the number of likes on a photo. While this has already been done in several countries, such as Japan and Canada earlier this year, Instagram announced it would...
by numarketing | Oct 11, 2019 | News
The days of heavy filters, emoji-filled captions, and aesthetic feeds are long gone. While all of this still contributes to building up your personal brand as a small business, consumer behavior in 2019 has shifted from the idealistic, view of “This is who I want to...
by numarketing | Aug 8, 2019 | News
NXTFactor knows. It’s frustrating. Every couple of months, it seems like there’s a change in algorithm or feature for popular social media platforms, including Instagram and Facebook. And if there wasn’t, people begin hallucinating and claiming that there was. One...