We’ve worked on different sites and performed a myriad of SEO services over the years, so we have observed many common mistakes our clients have made before contacting us. In most cases, they try to save some money by performing the SEO on their sites, themselves, or letting the IT department (who also have tons of other responsibilities and don’t follow the latest trends) do it for them. This leads to their site sinking faster in rank faster than the Titanic in the James Cameron cinematic masterpiece. After the damage has been done, they finally decide that it’s time to call in the cavalry. Lucky for them, in most cases we can repair most of the damage. So, are you making one of these SEO mistakes?
Keywords. Keywords everywhere!
Sure, even an initiate in the SEO field can tell you that keywords are important. In fact, they have prime importance for the ranking of your site. However, what this means to most people is, “Focus only on keywords.” This tactic will lead you to the bottom of the ocean faster than you can say, “I’m the king of the world.” Keywords are important, but so are link building, user experience, social media, and more.
Content for the sake of content.
This is one of the most common mistakes caused by the misconception above. Just because you have lots of content with lots of keywords doesn’t mean that you will rank well. You’re ignoring a lot of the other factors. Google is no longer a dumb robot you can easily cheat. Its algorithms are so sophisticated that it can actually tell whether people visiting your site think that it’s a good or a bad site. So don’t create content for the sake of content. Make sure that you actually have something to say.
Using automated software.
We get it. Things aren’t going well on your site, and then all of a sudden a shady looking fellow with a black hat on his head and a toothpick in his mouth told you that he can make it all better. His reasoning seemed simple enough – more links to your site will lead to more traffic. What he forgot to mention is that Google will catch you and penalize you because this is against their guidelines. Whoops!
NXTFactor can easily solve most of your SEO-related problems. We’re extremely proficient in both damage control and getting good results from scratch. Oh, and we never use amateur black hat tactics.